Friday, June 5, 2009

June 4, 2009

These are Tad's quick notes from our the first session of our budget group.
 (Tad- Maryland Ensemble Theatre, Frederick, MD)

I was thinking we all might want to post a different post highlighting some of the sessions we attended.  The notes from these sessions will be from the perspective of an under $500k budget category!

Lots of "ensemble" theatres in this group!  There are 4 people young people sitting cozy on a couch together- they must be from Baltimore (to be able to send 4 people there)- Could be "Single Carrot Theatre" company- I heard them on NPR a few months ago... they just did Killer Joe, they are in Baltimore and have a very similar ensemble structure as the MET.  They are 2 years old- but heading in the same direction... YEP, that's them.  Artistic Director's name is Buck!  I met all 4 of them.  Nice guys- we're seeing their space tomorrow night- they'll come to Frederick to visit and see our space....

In the Budget meeting- we went around the room saying "hi, my name is..." and mentioned some of our major concerns- we're going to talk more on that on Saturday.  Oh, there's that Ohn guy that Gene' and Sarah met in North Carolina (NET gathering)- I talked to him on the phone once, but, need to meet him. And there's his wife- they are a team... going around the room, there are at least 4 husband/wife partners in this room... interesting....

The under $500k budget group broke into 3 groups.  One to talk about "audience development" (Gene' went to that one), I went to the "new play development" breakout, and another was the "institutionalizing" breakout.  We are all going to pull our minds tomorrow morning and bring back info to the group on all of these things.

I wish all these ensemble theatres could go to San Francisco to the NET summit!

End of breakouts-

OVERALL FEEL:  I've been to the TCG Fall Forum and the Philly TCG conference (2002); but, this is the first time that I've really felt like we fit in.  The first time, we knew almost no one- we were a tiny theatre, and there were really not that many people under the age of 50 at that conference; and every discussion I attended seemed to talk about problems that were concerns to theatre's with budgets well over a million bucks...  The fall forums were not much better---- BUT....

This time, there are SO many more young people.  I would guess that the mean age is 40.  Very cool.  They say there are 700+ people here and over 300 first timers!

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